Part 17: Update XVII - I'm superior to him in every respect, the speed, the power and the body...
Update XVII - I'm superior to him in every respect, the speed, the power and the body...Video: Zero Goes it Alone
Music: The Rebellion's Fate

Okay, kinda rude there, Zero. Our party only consists of a bounty hunter (who tried to kill us), a copycat hero, a thief/kidnapper, and a literal child, after all!

Zero has a bit of a bad track record with trusting people.
He was friends with Sigma! Who then went Mav and betrayed him. He was friends with Iris and Colonel! Who then went Mav* and betrayed him. And now he was friends with Shadow, who went Mav and betrayed him. You can't really blame him for getting defensive.
*The stupidest form of Mav, at that.

Music: Grief - Sympathy - Pity - Pain I

The static starts to pick up again.

Music: Hunter Base

Thought we finally had a full party? Ha ha, psych! We get him for Jentra and then he leaves again!

He left his Heat Hazes, at least. Time will tell if he gets another set of them when he comes crawling back.

While Nana is analyzing, we can't check deployments or go to the Sky Room, so we have to leave the room to progress.
Video: A Strange Light
Music: Mystery of the Force Metal

There's a

After it fades, Spider walks out!

Music: Hunter Base

I'm sure it means nothing. Nana's probably done by now!

And with that, we're back to our usual pre-chapter tasks.

We get a new scarf color, the only one available from deployments!

And another key! I wonder if this will become a trend?

I would not want to begin to think about how difficult it would be to copy Albert Wily's greatest creation.

Music: Recapture Hope

At this point, the game will start mixing up enemy elements so you can't just gear for one and call it a day.

Honestly, in situations like these I tend to just ignore defense and go all in on offense. I'd rather use a loadout that lets me kill things 100% of the time instead of a defense that works a third of the time.

Quick stop at the Sky Room to change up my bling.

Music: Central Tower

The other chapters have vanished, so I ended up buying out this one.

The game doesn't even pretend that Zero will be gone for long, he already has a set of elemental weapons in the shop. On top of the usual upgrades, we have a Drill Arm for Cinnamon that has an added Armor debuff, a four shot Revolver Barrel for Axl, as well as the Mettaur Crash, which is the first type of weapon for Axl that deals bonus damage against a specified enemy type.
I honestly don't bother using them. With no way to swap weapons mid-fight (like, say, FFX's system), it being useful is entirely dependant on what fights show up for you.

The FM shop now has LE +300 for sale, as well as the full trio of elemental guards.

The old series of figures got moved over here. My guess is that they split them to keep the menu from going off the top of the screen.

I make a trip to the Secret Shops to buy this.


That's over a 50% increase in Power in one go, on top of nearly doubling his Speed!

On our return, we get our first Hall of Fame 'loid! The game keeps track of how many you have at max level, but it doesn't ever unlock anything. The Hall of Fame is purely for show.

I then stand around for a bit to get this Generator. The Generator is a Sub Weapon with a simple, yet elegant, purpose:

It gives you 20 WE! It isn't affected by any form of WE Gain boosters, granted, but an extra 20% per turn is still a godsend. Between his two Gain WE +5s, Glint Armor, Iron Maiden, Energy Field, and now the Generator, Massimo has shot past 80% WE gain, letting him use Power Charged ATs every turn!
It also holds the sole difference between Trickstar and Stealth Mode. Generator fails to work on Trickstar and works just fine on Stealth Mode. That's it. What a baffling design choice.

Suffice to say, what you're seeing here is Massimo's loadout for pretty much the rest of the game, with a few Shock Lance-related exceptions.

Music: World of the Abyss

Since we got the Key, we might as well hit up Tianna.

Those security drones from way back when have vanished, letting me grab this Treasure Token in an alcove with no trouble.

On the way, we run into this little fellow. The Zennydropper is a bit of a Metal Slime. High evasion, high run chance. Every round, it'll double the zenny it drops, going from 200z to 6,400z. After 8 rounds, it has a 100% chance of fleeing. It would have been nice to run into one of these on our original trip here, but 6,400z is pocket change at this point.

Another token in one of the prison cells.

As a reminder, this door is just after those two rooms of prison cells, where we started figuring out that something was up with Massimo.

Off the bat, we have a token.

Plus a Radar Killer and Tank Parts.

Someone is in this locked area too! I wonder what they're selling?

Music: Cheerful Thief Marino

Okay, this surprise boss fight isn't so bad.

Well that doesn't sound good!

And that hurt! She even has regen!

On the plus side, we'll get two Tank Parts from this side trip!
We also have a bunch of new stuff to see. The Force Missiles and Force Tomahawks are upgraded versions of the Micro Missiles and Tomahawks, costing 25 WE each. The Turbo Clock is a Sub Weapon that speeds up the user's next turn for 20 WE, and Resist is a Force Metal that gives partial resistance to stat debuffs.

Massimo can at least match her damage with his new Interceptor.

I really don't like that turn preview.

Okay, Rafflesian has regen, so I should take down the adds and then focus her down, right?

Wait, what?



Rafflesian why is your dress a micro-missle launcher?

Alright, I'm not winning this.

Just make it quick.

Okay, that went incredibly poorly.
Rafflesian here is a bonus boss. One you're clearly not supposed to fight just yet.
Rafflesian herself has 31K LE (compared to Jentra's 28K), but regens 25% every turn, meaning you can't just slowly wear her down like I've been doing to bosses until now. On top of that, every turn she gets until the seventh boosts her Power and Speed, which means she'll have more chances to regen on top of dealing that much more damage.
For moves, she'll always use a normal attack, Tera Thunder, or Riot (inflicts Berserk on party) on her first turn. If she's alone, she'll swap Tera Thunder for Ultra Giga Blizzard and add in Deep Impact to ignore Armor and Shield.
All of that is trivial, however, compared to her ace in the hole, Sunburst. Sunburst deals 10 nonelemental hits of 250 damage to the entire party. Even if someone gets lucky and blocks a hit or two, they're still taking 2000+ damage, which at this stage will kill anyone not named Massimo if I don't instantly go into Hyper Mode. The damage can be mitigated by Defending, which would drop it down to a much more managable 1,250. Except sitting around doing nothing means giving Rafflesian more turns to ramp up, which is the worst possible option in this fight.
The Belladonnas are a much smaller threat, but still a factor. Each has 20K LE to go through, but they still have the same 25% regen. And unlike Rafflesian, they get a boost every time they take damage, getting an increase in Power, Armor, and Shield. Also unlike Rafflesian, they have no limit on the number of boosts they can get.
Their moves consist of a normal attack, Electromagnetic Field (party Bind), Giga Blizzard, Ultra Giga Blizzard, Energy Capture, Fatal Attack, and their own unique attack, Bold Beam, which gets stronger the less LE they have. Bold Beam is used for every three hits they take.
All in all, to beat Rafflesian you have to do a combined 70,000 damage across all targets, not including any regen they get, while also dealing with status effects that play into their own strengths (Bind and Berserk both give Rafflesian more time to ramp up while you deal with it, plus Berserked party members can take a swing at a Belladonna to give them a boost), as well as their own sky high damage.
You can tell at a glance that the developers intended you to get the Tianna Key, get stomped by Rafflesian, then periodically throw yourself at her as you get stronger until you've gained enough bulk and gear to go toe to toe with her. The official Bradygames guide even recommends fighting her a bit before Epsilon himself.
Now, you might be wondering why I'm listing all this off right now. After all, I clearly can't beat her yet, so why not just add her to the to-do list and come back later?

Because, as the saying goes, there's more than one way to skin a cat.

Next time: